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Bebamour Nappy Changing Bag Backpack Nylon Waterproof Nappy Backpack with Changing Mat

And as babies, they still can t articulate whether they are already experiencing symptoms of the condition. Symptoms of this type of apnea include snoring, labored breathing, gasping for air, and changes in color. But the cardinal sign of obstructive apnea in babies is restlessness. Another type of apnea is central apnea. You can even do house chores during the day while making sure that your little one is safe and sleeping soundly in the next room. This helpful gadget actually comes with a wide variety of options to choose from. Perhaps you want to purchase baby monitors with two receivers so that you and your other half could both monitor sounds coming from your baby's room. 4) Using Digital Monitors The latest technology has spawned a new breed of baby monitors digital. These types of baby monitors have been made to counter any kind of wireless interference. This may cost a little more than the analog versions, but if you do have the money to spare, then try to go digital. Unlike the baby monitors off the shelf, professionally installed ones usually make use of high end gadgets in watching over your baby. The Types of Baby Monitors Basically there are two types of baby monitors: audio and video baby monitors. Audio baby monitors only make use of sounds while video baby monitors make use of a camera and transmitter to send video feeds to a LCD receiver. If you live in a small apartment or if your baby's room is only a couple of rooms away, then virtually any type of baby monitor will suffice. On the other hand, parents who own bigger houses or live in multi-story residences require a device that has a longer range. In this way, they will know for certain that the transmitter and receiver will not falter even in extended distances. Since these digital devices make use of signals like electro magnetic waves, they may cause health problems to babies especially when they are at that stage when growth and development is on "rapid mode." A solution developed to counter this problem simply states that parents should put the baby monitor as far away as possible from the child without sacrificing the quality of monitoring. 

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