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Since these digital devices make use of signals like electro magnetic waves, they may cause health problems to babies especially when they are at that stage when growth and development is on "rapid mode." A solution developed to counter this problem simply states that parents should put the baby monitor as far away as possible from the child without sacrificing the quality of monitoring. No one can be at two places at the same time, and it has been one of the major dilemmas of parents who still want to be productive around the house but more importantly want to prioritize their child s safety. This is the very reason why baby monitors have become very useful to many parents. These gadgets allow parents to monitor the baby s activities while they are not inside of the nursery or are working at a distance. Then switch on the baby monitor followed by your other wireless gadgets. Remember that the base unit of your cordless phone should be switched on last. 3) Purchase a digital baby monitor instead. To make sure that your neighbors will not be able to pick up the sounds transmitted by your baby monitor, buy a digital type as an alternative to the analog version. The Different Types of Baby Monitors Our children are our most valuable possessions. If only it was possible to be able to watch over them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, then you would. This is most especially true when it comes to babies since they are dependent on their parents with everything that they do. Choosing The Best Baby Monitor For Your Family A baby monitor is a very useful device for modern parents. Such a device allows you to check on your child s safety even when you are doing other things at a certain distance or outside the room. It not only saves you a lot of time and burden, but it also keeps you at ease knowing that your precious one is safe even at a distance. Here are some tips on how to avoid or, at least, minimize the nuisance of interfering wireless signals in your home. 1. Factor in your wireless phone. In order to reduce the likelihood of interference, pick a baby monitor that works on a different frequency band from your other wireless household devices. 

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