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A smaller house or apartment might not need as much range especially if one lives in an area where there may be a lot of interference such as cell phones and other monitors that could disrupt the signals. But it is also important to consider the user s activity, especially if work might require him or her to be of farther distance from the child. The idea behind the importance of having one is that you as a parent are afforded with an extra set of eyes and ears. This way, you can keep tabs on your baby even while you're busy with something else. By listening in on your little one, you'll be alerted each time he or she needs feeding or a diaper change. Tips When Using Baby Monitors in Block of Flats 1) As much as baby monitors can help parents, personal supervision is still very important. It is more important when you live in a flat where there are a lot of people and strangers can easily come and go. 2) Just like with any electronic device, do not let your baby monitor, either the transmitter or receiver, get in contact with water. Another advantage is that the digital models do not have as much static and they give a clearer sound quality so you can hear your baby better. Video monitorsallow you to see and hear your child by combining sound and video just like miniature TV sets. They use a small camera either mounted on the wall, table or crib to transmit the images into the LCD display. Although this can be an addition cost, the price you pay in order to take pleasure in its portability is certainly worth it. What are the disadvantages of Baby Monitors? First and foremost, baby monitors work more efficiently between ground floor and first floor areas. However, if your home is made of thick concrete walls or has aluminum siding, then this can terribly decrease the strength of the transmitted signal. Interferences can be in the form of intercepted voices from other wireless devices such as wireless phones or static sounds. These interferences can also cause sounds to be muffled and inaudible. So Are EVPs Real? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in the afterlife? These questions seem to have no specific and factual answers and so does the question Are EVPs real? 

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