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Airbrush art applied to the fingernails gives a great flare to a manicure. The designs are only limited to the stencils in which the artist can get their hands on and the artists imagination. This form of airbrush art has become very popular and a lot of salons around the world are offering this to their clients. To start with you need to practice with simple techniques until you get the hang of how to do them. Simple techniques will give you a better understanding of the process and allow for you to have a foundation in which to build on. When you first try using an airbrush you need to use a cheap surface that you can just practice with. With airbrushing the paint goes on to the canvas more evenly than if it had been hand painted. Also the time frames are shortened when the paintings are airbrushed versus hand painted. Family portraits can be airbrushed over hand painted as well to give for a more realistic painting. The interior of your home is also a place for airbrush art. All water based paints can be cleaned with water or a commercial cleaner designed for airbrushes. Windex is useful when cleaner your airbrush between color changes while using your airbrush. Never soak or leave your airbrush exposed to Windex for any real length of time. You should not have to take your airbrush apart every night to clean it, it is alright to only do a complete break down and cleaning once a month. Her workshops allow for students to learn her techniques and gain more knowledge while under her supervision. She is there to show you how to do airbrush art, help you quickly spot your mistakes and learn how to advance in your techniques. Shanteau is truly a gifted airbrush artists and the chance to learn from her will greatly benefit any artist from beginner to advanced. This video is a very advanced detail orientated video that is a one of a kind as the methods and such have never been put on tape before. With this video you will learn what you need to have an edge over a lot of other airbrush artists. Caricatures are seen in a lot of art and airbrush art makes for creating some really interesting caricatures. 

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