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Black Widow, The Best Pet Spider? Part 2 (The Explicit Truth)

On a regular basis there should be no necrosis associated with a brown recluse spider bite, yet, some people are exposed to systemic reactions. The most risky of situtations have been registered in the case of children under seven, who have been bitten by this insect; an equally high risk is present with people that have a very fragile immune system. Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. The color variety may be absent, just as the violin marking can be hardly visible. Nevertheless, there is one other element that clearly makes the recognition of the brown recluse spider possible. The size of the species varies from 1.5 to 4.5 centimeters for the body length; they are mono-color, dark brown usually, without any patterns at all. The only distinct element of the male funnel web spider is a swelling on the second leg and the spinnerets located at the end of the abdomen. The female funnel web spider lives very isolated, it remains in the burrow for almost its entire life; males are the ones that go out to hunt and find mates particularly in summer and autumn months. Spiders that live outdoors are more difficult to identify due to the large number of species both harmful and venomous. All in all, spider identification serves not only to the scientist but to the average person who either takes a great interest in the various spider species or who'd like to avoid risky exposures and eventual bites. Spiders Maybe they give the creeps to some of us, while others treasure them as pets: spiders are spread all over the world both in open nature and in our homes. There are thousands of species, some more venomous than others, to the point that they can kill a man in a matter of minutes. Despite their incredible diversity, all spiders create silk and design complex webs in which they catch their prey, nevertheless, silk is also great for climbing and laying eggs. Surprisingly enough, the death risk is a lot lower with this species; the explanation for this queer fact lies in the shy nature of the brown widow spider that injects venom timidly unlike the black widow. One common way to detect the presence of the brown widow spider is by identifying its egg sac. This is a peculiarity of the species, completely different from that of other widow spiders. 

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