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Cute Spiders Get New Upgraded Homes! Rehousing My Pet Spiders!

The exaggerations related to camel spiders are explained by their large size, but what most people don't know is that they are not actually spiders, but a different type of arachnids more like the scorpions actually. They have no venom, and they simply kill their prey by cutting it, which, as a matter of fact, makes them less dangerous than many spiders and scorpions. For the funnel web spider varieties that live in gardens, shrubs are the perfect place to make their nests. There is plenty of room to make the silk lines for their burrow: these threads help the spiders catch their prey, but they also make a great warning means that signal danger or the presence of mates. In the United States, hobo spiders are considered a real danger since their bite can cause severe necrosis; nevertheless, the reported cases are pretty rare, as the most likely symptoms to appear include local pain, itching and swelling of the bitten area. Aloe vera, ice chips and antibiotics applied on the bite are thought to reduce the discomfort and speed up healing; yet, none of them is considered a 100% reliable remedy for hobo spider bites. Poisonous Spiders Many people have a phobia when it comes to spiders; hairy legs, devious traps, innocent victims : this is the picture that they usually imagine. This unjust pattern is not justified since even the most poisonous spiders will not attack a human unless they felt threatened. All spiders need to inject venom in order to survive, it is in the nature of their species and one of the life mechanisms they have been endowed with; what really differs from one species to another and gives rise to the classification into poisonous and non-poisonous is the amount of venom and its toxicity. The legs of the huntsman spider are actually the characteristic element for the species: rather than having them attached vertically to the body, they are twisted, with a crab-like appearance. The huntsman spider is also identified by its colors ranging from brown to gray; depending on the globe area where it is encountered, the species may present other specificities as well, such as hairy legs, as it is the case with the Badge Huntsman variety. Those people who have been the victims of a spider bite often need medical treatment in order to prevent a rapid deterioration of their health condition. Sometimes a spider bite can have very few local marks and it is only identified by the symptoms. The physical reactions to a spider bite are usually classified into local and systemic; the former can be treated at home right after the occurrence of the accident, whereas the latter often require professional medical treatment in order to reduce the reaction of the body to the venom. 

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