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How to Care for Jumping Spiders!

Like with other spider species, the female sometimes eats the male, but the latter often escapes being eaten and manages to mate with several females before dying. The siblings will not appear for a few months after intercourse, and they will remain protected in the female's burrow until they are old enough to disperse on the ground. The special thing about these creatures is the way the females carry the egg sacs with them, and once the eggs hatch, the siblings remain attached to their mothers' back until they are large enough to detach and start a life on their own. Without being venomous, the wolf spider bite can cause a bit of trouble for more sensitive people. Though the spider species in question is pretty common and not aggressive, sometimes, their venom has a great impact on the system triggering a very violent response not only at the skin level but in the deep body structures as well. How can one treat brown recluse spider bites? In order to control inflammation, you should apply some ice on the bite; aloe vera ointment or fresh aloe juice could also help you soothe the pain or the itching. The only time when hobo spiders are really dangerous is when they are laying their eggs, particularly if they see you as a threat to their future siblings. It is also good to know that these creatures seldom inject any venom when they bite, which is why there is little health risk and discomfort. Even if hobo spiders live both on the American and the European continents, there is no difference in terms of physical specificity or venom composition. Even in North America there are three different types of the black widow spider and their classification is made according to the geographical area where they live: there is the northern black widow, the southern black widow and the western black widow; thus the species is widely spread from the south of Canada to Mexico. What is the first aid procedure in case of spider bites? It all depends on the body part where you've been bitten; when the spider bites occur on the arm or the leg, tie a bandage right above the bite so as to prevent the spreading of the venom. Nevertheless, too tight a bandage may affect the correct blood flow in the area. 

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