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Little girl let’s huge pet tarantula crawl on her #shorts

The bite of the same poisonous spiders may trigger different reactions in separate individuals, since personal sensitivity to the toxins in the venom matters a lot. In geographical areas where poisonous spiders are known to live, people often learn how to differentiate them from the non-toxic species that are frequently encountered around the house. Brown recluse spiders are small, with an overall adult size that does not go beyond twelve millimeters; males are small then females, but they have slightly larger feet. Th color of the brown recluse spiders goes from tan to dark brown, and sometimes there may be an intense yellow pattern on the body too. The easiest way to tell spiders apart is by comparing them with pictures from albums and learning the features specific to each species or variety. Many people learn to identify spider specimens that live closest to their homes, in sheds and garages. Inevitably, you will get into contact with a spider sooner or later, either indoors or outdoors; the general tendency is to destroy their nests inside of our homes since we associate cob webs with a messy and unclean area. The shape of the web woven by the hobo spider is truly unique, it consists of a very dense silk sheet which is usually curved upwards so that insects that come from above the structure may fall into it. The hobo spider waits in a tubular retreat until the prey is tangled in the threads and only then it comes out and injects the insect with the paralyzing venom. More likel scorpions, the camel spider is part of an arachnid order known as the solifugae; they live in arid hot climates, including deserts from both the Northern and the Southern hemispheres. There are even some camel spider species with a more special habitat: they live in forests and in grassland. While the males move freely in their habitat, the females usually spend their entire lives in just one place, as they very seldom leave their nests. In terms of toxicity, the black widow spider has one of the most potent venoms in the animal world: it is actually fifteen times stronger than that of the rattlesnake for instance. 

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