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MEET all my FRIENDLY TARANTULAS !!! [Best beginner tarantula?]

The only variety of venomous camel spiders grows in India, but research is pretty scarce in the field. Apparently, the Indian camel spiders can hunt down lizards by injecting them with venom and paralyzing their movements. One of the natural enemies of the camel spiders, the scorpions are very likely to lose a fight against this giant arachnid. In the majority of cases medical assistance is not necessary and a bag of ice placed on the bite will do. If discomfort does not cease, you should not postpone seeing a doctor. Although trapdoor spiders are not generally dangerous, some people may experience very strong reactions to the venom, like nausea, vomiting and headaches. Their bite is not very serious, there will be mild and bearable pain and itching, and local swelling occasionally. Though some of the wolf spider varieties like the Australian and the South American ones were thought to create necroses, recent studies have proved this to be a false myth. As a general rule, the bite of the wolf spider is harmless and far from causing extensive tissue damage or loss, yet, individual reactions to the bite are the ones that often show otherwise. Hobo spiders definitely do not deserve the label of aggressiveness, and presently, there are trends of opinion among scientists related to the real danger of this species for humans: there are some who actually claim that hobo spiders are no threat to humans. The only time when hobo spiders are really dangerous is when they are laying their eggs, particularly if they see you as a threat to their future siblings. The huntsman spider is also identified by its colors ranging from brown to gray; depending on the globe area where it is encountered, the species may present other specificities as well, such as hairy legs, as it is the case with the Badge Huntsman variety. Despite its diversity, all the huntsman spider specimens have eight eyes disposed on various parts of the body, and a good vision for the close and distant potential pray. The favorite habitat of the funnel web spider consists of the moist area under rocks, crevices, rotten trees, holes and tree bark. For the funnel web spider varieties that live in gardens, shrubs are the perfect place to make their nests. There is plenty of room to make the silk lines for their burrow: these threads help the spiders catch their prey, but they also make a great warning means that signal danger or the presence of mates. 

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