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My Top Pet Spiders! Real Life Spidergirl :p

Among other species, trapdoor spiders have a pretty long life span from five to twenty years, and only the females make a nest, whereas males go out in the open hunting and looking for a mate. The bites of these spiders are not dangerous, though sometimes nasty symptoms may appear: itching, swelling and even pain are among the most frequently encountered. In the majority of cases the wound is likely to heal without any medical intervention whatsoever, however, the exception appears in the cases when the venom spreads in a blood vessel. It is not unusual to misdiagnose various skin infections as brown recluse spider bites, since the symptoms are very often miscellaneous. Apparently, the Indian camel spiders can hunt down lizards by injecting them with venom and paralyzing their movements. One of the natural enemies of the camel spiders, the scorpions are very likely to lose a fight against this giant arachnid. Due to the extended size, the camel spiders are able to cut down the sting of the scorpion and make it harmless. Because of its high adaptability to the environment, it will cling very easily thanks to its articulate legs. Thus, if you get a huntsman spider on your clothes, you'll find it pretty difficult to shake it off. Far from being seen as a threat to humans, the huntsman spider is pretty useful since it mainly feeds on insects. Though, there are some morphological differences, the three varieties are pretty much related and similar to each other. Like many other venomous creatures, the black widow spider has bright red pattens on it as a warning sign for predators that would attempt to feed on it. The black widow spider is not capable of killing a bird that would eat it, but the digestive sickness that would follow, will be definitely enough to make it avoid attacking the black widow again. The special thing about these creatures is the way the females carry the egg sacs with them, and once the eggs hatch, the siblings remain attached to their mothers' back until they are large enough to detach and start a life on their own. Without being venomous, the wolf spider bite can cause a bit of trouble for more sensitive people. 

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