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UNBOXING *LOOK AT THAT FACE* BIG Cute African Velvet Spiders & NEW Jumpers! Stegodyphus, Phiddipus

Most bites occur when one accidentally stick their hands into such secluded areas and corners or when the spider gets pressed against the skin. Wearing some rubber gloves when cleaning up around the house will help you avoid being exposed to a direct contact with the brown widow spider. The hourglass mark specific to all widow spiders colored in yellow or orange remains a distinguishable characteristic on the bottom of the abdomen. Lots of videos with the camel spider cutting its prey into pieces and then consuming it, have been uploaded on the Internet. Moreover, it is also interesting to watch a fight between a scorpion and a camel spider, as the latter will most surely win in the majority of cases.As for the potential danger to humans, that does exist. In the United States, hobo spiders are considered a real danger since their bite can cause severe necrosis; nevertheless, the reported cases are pretty rare, as the most likely symptoms to appear include local pain, itching and swelling of the bitten area. Aloe vera, ice chips and antibiotics applied on the bite are thought to reduce the discomfort and speed up healing; yet, none of them is considered a 100% reliable remedy for hobo spider bites. While the males move freely in their habitat, the females usually spend their entire lives in just one place, as they very seldom leave their nests. In terms of toxicity, the black widow spider has one of the most potent venoms in the animal world: it is actually fifteen times stronger than that of the rattlesnake for instance. Identifing a Spider Without any exaggeration, when you know how to identify spider varieties, you could actually be one step closer to saving your skin . Anyone who can recognize spider species, will be able to avoid getting exposed to their bites. The easiest way to tell spiders apart is by comparing them with pictures from albums and learning the features specific to each species or variety. Knowledge of the various features comes from direct contact and experience shared in the community; thus a parent will teach his or her child how to recognize and avoid poisonous spiders. A bite exposes the victim to a whole series of unpleasant symptoms that require immediate medical intervention. Nevertheless, extreme attitudes towards poisonous spiders give rise to phobias and the urge to destroy their nests even in the wild. 

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