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You Can Keep This Spider As A Pet?! 😨

Typically hairy, the wolf spider can be brown or gray with all sorts of markings and lines on the back and the abdomen. The special thing about these creatures is the way the females carry the egg sacs with them, and once the eggs hatch, the siblings remain attached to their mothers' back until they are large enough to detach and start a life on their own. Lots of doctors recommend a minor surgical intervention in the tissue area affected by the venom, yet the excision could impair the recovery as such and may increase the risk of scarring. The curious fact is that lots of brown recluse spider bites have been reported in parts of America where this species does not live. You may even find brown widow nests in buckets, mail boxes, entry corners, closets, garages and even in vegetation like shrubs and tree branches. Most bites occur when one accidentally stick their hands into such secluded areas and corners or when the spider gets pressed against the skin. Wearing some rubber gloves when cleaning up around the house will help you avoid being exposed to a direct contact with the brown widow spider. The males are likely to leave their nest and go hunt somewhere else, while the females will not go far from the web. Their favorite hunting moment is the night, when there are less chances of being disturbed, threatened or exposed to the dangers of the outside world. How can one actually recognize a brown recluse spider? There are several other varieties related to the black widow spider; they live in South Africa and Australia, and the major difference from the North American black one is of color: they are red and brown. Even in North America there are three different types of the black widow spider and their classification is made according to the geographical area where they live: there is the northern black widow, the southern black widow and the western black widow; thus the species is widely spread from the south of Canada to Mexico. Huntsman Spider A common inhabitant of wooded areas, huntsman spider is spread in various globe areas with a climate ranging from tropical to semi-tropical; thus, you can find this species in Australia and New Zealand as well as in the United States or in Asia. Since the favorite habitat of the huntsman spider is the forest, in many parts of the world it is known as the wood spider. 

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