As long as there is no pressure on the baby but there is a lot of perseverance and motherly warmth, infant potty training can be quite successful. The same studies have shown that in the first six months the baby is very receptive to whatever surrounds him, noises, images and so on. Therefore it will be quite easy for the mother to help her child associate sounds and places in the home, like the bathroom with the time or the moment of potty going. So, a good tip would be not to set any deadlines for the child and not to create agitation having accidents as starting points for it. Potty training problems may also appear because your child is not motivated enough. Try to identify what the child enjoys most and then use that as a reward for him the first time he goes potty either helped by you or on his own. Obviously, the first step is buying a potty chair which is smaller than the regular toilet. The size makes the child feel safer while potty training. Get the child to sit on the potty during the times when s/he is likely to urinate or have bowel movements. To convince the child to sit on the potty longer, you may want to read to him, sing a song together with him or simply talk. The good thing about the situation is that there are various tools, methods and helpful people available and eager to help you. Among these tools you can choose from, there are the printable potty training charts that you can find on the internet. If you search the internet, you will surely find printable potty training charts you can download and use. There are a few theoretical things that you should know about potty training resistance which will help you understand what is going on and how you can handle the crisis. The most important elements of potty training resistance that will help you survive this phase are the causes of and reasons for this kind of behavior, parents-children-potty relationship, as well as the reward-punishment factor. If you are the parents of a hard to deal with child you will surely need some potty training specialized advice and guidelines. You should not despair since there are many ways to start and carry out such a process successfully. One of the most important things to know and put into practice is to treat the child properly, not to force him or to call him down.
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