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Potty Training Videos for Kids to Watch | Potty Training Songs | Kids Songs Toddler Toilet Training

The potty training kit consists of a doll, some doll pants or underwear, feeding bottle for the doll and the potty training book for the parents. The doll can be either a boy or a girl and anatomically it is made to look like us. It should be able to be fed either while it sits or lies down and to pee both sitting down and standing. Potty Training Problems Many parents have encountered potty training problems. There is no method the in a guaranteed manner works with all children regardless of age and character. That is why there are many methods that parents can resort to. Some of them require a longer time, others promise success in as fast as three days or even only in one day. This phenomenon is called potty training resistance and occurs in many children. Therefore if you are some sad parents do not worry as there are ways to improve the situation. There are a few theoretical things that you should know about potty training resistance which will help you understand what is going on and how you can handle the crisis. To convince the child to sit on the potty longer, you may want to read to him, sing a song together with him or simply talk. Anyway, potty training does not mean forcing the child to sit there too long or against his will. While potty training, you should also avoid physical aggressiveness or verbal violence. The good thing about the situation is that there are various tools, methods and helpful people available and eager to help you. Among these tools you can choose from, there are the printable potty training charts that you can find on the internet. If you search the internet, you will surely find printable potty training charts you can download and use. Therefore late potty training will only give the parent twice the work load that he would normally have if he started early potty training. If late potty training is the case of your child aged about four years old, then you should not panic. You should get ready for harder times than you would have if you had started earlier, yet the good news is that late potty training is still possible. 

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