Many believe that it is better to begin potty training only after the age of three or four. Other would go for late potty training that starts even as late as five years old. Their arguments are that the child cannot be receptive to such task before this particular age. However most pediatricians recommend early potty training to guarantee earlier success. Among these existing methods and techniques, there is also the potty training chart which can really help. A lot of moms and dads keep sharing their experiences and successes regarding the use of a potty training chart with their children. Just search the internet and you will be amazed at the huge amount of information regarding the potty training chart method of teaching children to go pee-pee or poo-poo in the potty. So potty training clip art has appeared and it is quite successful apparently. It can be used in its various forms to help the child understand what he has to do and also to motivate him or her. Potty training clip art can be bought or simply downloaded from the internet, so it is very easy for parent to acquire it. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, although between the ages of 18 and 24 months most children show signs of being ready for potty training, there are still children who reach this stage only when they are 30 months old or even later than that. How do you know that your child is ready for potty training? She has tested it, and parents who have used her advice have tested this method of potty training in 3 days, and they all seem to be pleased with its results. Whether potty training in 3 days or in a much longer time, it is utterly important to motivate and support your child all throughout the training period. Potty Training Advice The birth of a child is one of the happiest moments in a couple s life. As everyone knows, when the child is young the problems are not very serious and difficult to solve whereas they get harder to deal with and more serious in time. Yet when the time comes for a child to give up diapers and learn to use the potty or the toilet, many of the parents experience a real nightmare.
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