On the other hand, parents who own bigger houses or live in multi-story residences require a device that has a longer range. In this way, they will know for certain that the transmitter and receiver will not falter even in extended distances. Portability Every now and then, people may share a similar opinion when it comes to size. To this date, they are no longer just an electric device to keep an eye when the baby cries but offers a number of advantages in ascertaining the baby s well-being. Some top of the trade devices have sensors placed under the baby s mattress that detects even the most subtle of movements including the baby s breathing. What baby monitors basically do, is allow the parents to know their child s activities and to watch out for any possible problems from afar, especially if the baby is asleep. Through this, they could at least do their usual work without having to feel worried that their child might not be safe inside the room alone. Parental supervision is undoubtedly important, especially if you live in an apartment building where strangers can easily come and go. - Do not position a baby monitor's transmitter or receiver near water. Like any electronic device, baby monitors can cause an electrical shock if not used properly. - Adhere to the manufacturer's strict instructions at all times with regard to the usage and the placement of baby monitors inside your home. " A solution developed to counter this problem simply states that parents should put the baby monitor as far away as possible from the child without sacrificing the quality of monitoring. This way, exposure to the harmful waves is, if not eliminated, at least minimized. This next issue can be a disadvantage for some people but not for others. In choosing a baby sleep apnea monitor, there are certain features that the device must have to ensure the proper monitoring of your baby. Heart Beat Monitor This feature is a must for the device that you will choose since no apnea monitor is 100 percent accurate in detecting cessation of breathing. This will serve as a backup in case the apnea monitor fails to detect apnea because it will also manifest in the heart rate of the baby.
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