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With the new feature of these monitors, parents are not only able to provide for the safety of their children by being able to hear possible problems from a distance, but they are also given the chance to solve certain problems or bond more with their child by talking through the portable parent unit. Video Baby Monitors and Night Vision Baby monitors develop together with technology. As of current date, there are a lot of different baby monitors all of which have their own unique functions. One of the latest baby monitors are video baby monitors with night vision capability. You may have seen it in the movies or on TV - the navy seals attacking at night are not at a disadvantageous position since they are using their handy dandy night vision goggles. All of these are just some of the ways on how to fix interferences in baby monitors. They are not 100% percent fool proof solution but they will be able to help minimize interferences especially when you live in a flat. Of course, you should always remember not to depend too much on your gadgets and other devices. Remember that the base unit of your cordless phone should be switched on last. 3) Purchase a digital baby monitor instead. To make sure that your neighbors will not be able to pick up the sounds transmitted by your baby monitor, buy a digital type as an alternative to the analog version. This way, you can rest assured that the only sounds you'll hear are the ones that have originated from your baby's room. However, the growing concern of many is whether these hi-tech gadgets can be considered safe for our health, especially in gadgets such as baby monitors that are usually placed in such a close distance to children. A lot of parents nowadays fear that if they use a digital monitor to help them keep watch of their child, they might be exposing their offspring to too much of electromagnetic radiation and this may cause significant damage to the child s nervous system. Baby monitors are devices, either audio or video, that can help you check up on your baby even if you are not physically present with him or her. This is most helpful to parents who need to be constantly on the go but still want to watch over their baby while doing other productive activities. When are Baby Monitors Useful? 

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