This feature allows parents to carry the device around without much effort. If you intend to take the receiver anywhere in the house for extended periods of time, test out the attachment method just to be sure that it's durable enough to endure daily usage. In addition, you also need to check the battery life and power source. A number of products on the market also offer other means of alerting deaf parents to the cries of their infants. One particular product consists of receivers that come in two parts: a main clock and a tiny sound sensor. The main clock functions as the sound-alarm system and is equipped with a vibrating rod attachment that should be positioned under the parents' mattress. This new feature has proven to be very beneficial to many of today s parents. These two-way baby monitors not only provide parents with a means to check on their baby, but a means for parent-child bonding as well. What is the difference between the two-way monitor and one-way monitor? One-way monitors from the name itself, basically only transmit sound through a single channel wherein parents can hear the sounds that their baby makes from the other end. However, with the many different kinds of monitors available in the market at present sometimes it may get confusing. Knowing the different types of monitors and what to consider will surely help you in making a choice. What are the types of baby monitors? In selecting a monitor that best fits your family, you have three major options to choose from an audio, video or a sensory monitor. But with the fast development in technology, baby monitors have also been improved. One of these improvements is the baby video monitor. Baby video monitors, instead of just using audio, now make use of visuals. Parents can now opt to choose whether they want a camera installed so that they may be able to monitor their baby visually. Parental supervision is undoubtedly important, especially if you live in an apartment building where strangers can easily come and go. - Do not position a baby monitor's transmitter or receiver near water. Like any electronic device, baby monitors can cause an electrical shock if not used properly. - Adhere to the manufacturer's strict instructions at all times with regard to the usage and the placement of baby monitors inside your home.
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