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Artwork about Printmaking | Rainbow Nature Print

You can take airbrushing and create a beautiful mural on a concrete wall to turn that once bland wall into a work of art worthy of some attention. While you can do this by hand the time factor makes airbrushing a better choice. Airbrush art can also be applied to the body to create temporary tattoos and thus uses the human body as a canvas for an artist's imagination. Advanced Airbrush Art DVDs Once you have learned the basics with airbrush art, you can start to learn more advanced techniques. These advanced techniques will help you to render more imaginative art. Videos can help you learn this advanced airbrush art techniques. You can also get videos that will help you learn how to render a specific design that will fit with the airbrush art you are trying to create. After you have made copies of your traced design start cutting out the areas that you need to cut out. Then place the home made stencil onto your project and begin to airbrush your project. If you want to use a more durable material to create your stencils you can use the plastic pocket folders. These can be picked up rather cheaply from the store in the office supply section or hit the back to school supplies. This video is intended for beginners to learn first how to construct an airbrush and also for cleaning purposes how to take the airbrush apart. Cleaning the airbrush is covered in this video as well. For the actual creation of artwork you will learn about the dagger/flare stroke, styles and basics on lettering and color theory. The paint can be automotive paint but make sure that you use a well ventilated area as the fumes can pose a health hazard. It is best when using automotive paint to wear a respirator at all times. When using automotive paint make sure that it is thin enough to flow through the airbrush. If the automotive paint that you have chosen does not flow then thin it down so that it flows. There are a few ways that you can heat set your airbrush art onto the t-shirts so that it lasts. One way is all the design to fully dry then place a cloth over it and iron the shirt with the cloth between the t-shirt and the iron. Always keep the iron moving though so that you do not burn the material. 

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