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Studio Vlog | Printmaking Process, Linocut Print

The once simple looking lighter is now a display item with awesome art on it. So with everything being available for artist to use as a canvas for their airbrush art and with art being the taking of something and then turning it into a masterpiece, there is now a question posed. Is airbrush makeup just another form of airbrush art? Another great thing with using airbrush art to create tattoos over real tattoos, is that there is no risk of infection due to piercing of the skin with a needle. There is no healing time needed with airbrushed tattoos. The great part is there is no pain involved. Real tattoos come with pain and is one of the reason that some people do not get them. These techniques are her own exclusive techniques she created and she is sharing them with you. Shanteau offers visual DVD and vhs tapes to help other learn how to create airbrush art on automotives and motorcycles. These videos show you step by step exactly how to do certain techniques to create specific looks. A person with dry skin will get more than 7 days usually from the tattoo. It does not matter though if they have dry or oily skin you should apply talc powder as soon as the airbrush art tattoo dries. Airbrush tattoos do cost money and customers are not going to spend that money if their tattoo does not last for at least close to what is expected. If you do end up bending your needle you can try and straighten it with either pliers. Place the tip within the pliers and gently try and straighten it back out. Remember to do this gently so that you do not break your needle. The better care that you take of your airbrush the longer it will last. So keep your airbrush clean with the right cleaners and once a month do a full break down and cleaning. It is important to keep your needle from getting bend and either straightening the needle or replacing the needle. The air cap and head assembly are on the front of your airbrush and they cover the tip of the needle. The purpose of these parts is to control atomization of the paint spray. Should these parts become dented or damaged in anyway you should replace them immediately. 

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