Follow this up with running after a time. Your body needs to be familiar with the new regular activity. Your trainer and your doctor could give you a timetable. Slow and gradual Once you are into regular running according to plan, you do not do sprints right away in the hope of losing weight faster. Also wrong would be to overdo the length or the time limit of your running, again in the hope of losing weight faster. Try to catch up with someone, or agree to meet with a fellow runner halfway through the run. Of course, you have to be willing to change your pace to encourage small talks. 7. Listen to music. Long distance running is a mental activity as much as it is a physical challenge, so you need to get motivated and inspired to keep your body moving. You know you need to replace your shoes when they have reached around 300 to 400 miles. By then, their shock absorption has degraded and their soles have worn-out, leaving them unsafe for running. 5. Keep from concrete surfaces. Not only are they hard, they also are not very good shock absorber. Instead, run on dirt or grass trails, or somewhere there is a soft surface. Most often, the reason they give on why they use treadmills is convenience rather than preference. Treadmills are preferred and popular in smog-filled urban areas and outdoor running are enjoyed by those in suburban places where smog is not yet a menace. Treadmills There are many reasons given by treadmill users and fans regarding their preference of the gym s most-used equipment. They are accredited to provide assistance to physical trainers within or sometimes outside the premises of the gym. They are knowledgeable of the basic physical training concepts and can even answer questions about recommended diet and supplements. There is a need to hire a professional personal trainer when you are new to physical training and weight loss. Therefore, a few weeks into your running workout, you will discover that you don t drop pounds, you actually gain weight. It s okay. This only means that your running is working effectively. With continuous efforts, you will eventually lose the excess pounds. 2. Running is an efficient calorie-burner.
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