And they are addicted to the feeling and it motivates them the most. Science had already found out the nature of this natural high: beta endorphins. These are released by the body s neurons intended to relieve the pain after a run. It creates a feeling of extreme happiness and exhilaration and can be so intense it often can replace other addictions to drugs, alcohol, including appetite for food. These three will determine the distance you can handle. You have to realize, however, that as a beginning runner, you are not expected to run a mile. In fact, you won t do much running at first. Especially if you are untrained, running a distance may make you an easy target for injuries. Run/walk program, which includes alternate walking and running for a particular time, is ideal for starters. Runners are recommended to take at least three grams of carbohydrates for every pound of body weight everyday. So a 120-pound runner should have 360 grams of carbohydrates daily. Fats Fats should make up 20 to 25% of the diet. Runners should take their fat requirements mostly from mono-unsaturated fats, or those that are liquid in form, as they are believed to meet sports nutritional needs effectively. For some long-time runners, training for such an event 5 kilometer, 10 kilometer, half marathon, or marathon is not so much of a problem. For first-time distance runners, however, training is quite laborious and boring. If you are currently undergoing training, the following tips can help you get by and prepare you for an experience as exciting as long distance running: 1. It could be caused by the simple forgetting to concentrate on the breathing or its pattern. One way to avoid this is for the runner to time his breathing in rhythm with his steps. This is like the style of the swimmers who breathe at every third stroke. Runners who get to this state can keep running like a clock, with consistent pace and a great deal of efficiency. You may first do a 1 or 2-mile run for three to four days a week. These runs can be interspersed with some brisk walking, if need be. You can then build up your mileage in small increments every week, again so as not to subject your body to sudden strain it had not experienced before. The rule of thumb is not to increase your mileage by more than 10% every week.
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