More emphasis is given to running, which is identified by experts as a good form of aerobic or cardiovascular exercise. Perhaps, peoples' greatest concern now aside from earning more money is to have a perfect shape or a sexy body. And because fashion and sexiness have always been associated with well-maintained bodies, people think being skinny or slim is equivalent to being sexy and beautiful. As you run, the arteries become more elastic and more able to flush out the fatty deposits that may have developed in you the walls of the arteries and that could potentially obstruct the delivery of blood to the heart. If not addressed, these obstructions in the blood s pathway can cause heart attack. This is especially true of people who are naturally competitive they regularly sign up for marathons and other running events. Improved confidence also comes to people who have noticeably lost weight and achieved more toned and firmer muscles through running. 4. Fights addiction Running is conceived to be a natural tranquilizer, which is why therapists recommend it to those who are battling with their addiction. But take note that caloric expenditure varies depending on body weight. A 110-pound runner may lose 80 calories per mile; a 200-pound may burn 150. Also it is important to remember that as the weight drops, the amount of calories to burn likewise drops. 3. Losing weight is all about burning more calories than you consume. Endorphins Most runners keep this secret to themselves: running gives an intense exhilaration and euphoria right after a run. And they are addicted to the feeling and it motivates them the most. Science had already found out the nature of this natural high: beta endorphins. These are released by the body s neurons intended to relieve the pain after a run. In fact, you won t do much running at first. Especially if you are untrained, running a distance may make you an easy target for injuries. Run/walk program, which includes alternate walking and running for a particular time, is ideal for starters. As you progress week by week, you can increase the time for running and decrease the time for walking.
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