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It could be caused by the simple forgetting to concentrate on the breathing or its pattern. One way to avoid this is for the runner to time his breathing in rhythm with his steps. This is like the style of the swimmers who breathe at every third stroke. Runners who get to this state can keep running like a clock, with consistent pace and a great deal of efficiency. Because of its multiple uses, a running watch is almost a necessity. It can record distance, time, and pace. Most running watch models today also a have heart rate monitor function, and those that are even more advanced have GPS capabilities. GPS watches can monitor route and distance information, which can be downloaded and stored to track performance. We simply start to run the next day, with resolve that we will do it regularly from now on. The resolve and the intention are decent. It is in the headlong rush that makes it fairly incorrect. It may even be downright dangerous. Look before you run If you think you can start out running five miles a day starting today is a good idea, there is something wrong in your personal decision-making policies. Socks that do not fit properly or are not designed for running can cause blisters and other foot injuries. Clothing A runner should also invest in quality clothing fit for the season. Shorts or pants, shirts in short and long sleeves and with the right thickness should be carefully matched for each season that the runner intends to run. In fact, a study involving an observation of long distance runners showed that these runners recorded almost a 50% decrease in the blood pressure. Their use of medications to lower blood pressure was also reported to have over 50% reduction. 3. Lower cholesterol Also according to a study, runners generally have lower cholesterol. Smart Ways To Prevent Running Injuries Incurring injuries can pass as one of the greatest nightmares of many runners, which is why it is very important for every runner to be extra cautious down the road. Many factors contribute to the runner s tendency to get injured; still, there are many ways to prevent running injuries. 

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