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When working with nails you do not want to end up airbrushing the person's fingers. So before attempting to do airbrush art on nails gain some experience with airbrushing on larger surfaces. Depending on the type of airbrush art you are doing will determine the type of airbrush that you need. When doing airbrush art on nails go with either the Iwata HP-A or the Iwata HP-B. Take the time to submit several pictures of your work to several website airbrush art galleries. Don't depend on just a couple of pictures on one or two sites to get you known. Myspace is also a great way to get seen and gain some exposure. With myspace you can create a profile that is dedicated to you as an artist. Don't worry though it is not hard to replace these parts should there be any damage. Your airbrush will have a handle on which you can hold onto the airbrush with. Airbrush models come with either a solid handle or a handle with an opening. The purpose of this opening is so that you can adjust the needle without removing the handle in a single action airbrush. While this is a very primitive method compared to modern day forms of airbrushing, it does still work. Take a look at children's airbrush art kits that require the child to blow through one end of tube to create the airbrushed art. Now ancient forms of airbrush art have bled over to modern day children's crafts. Make sure that your compressor is rated for the type of work you are going to be doing. In this case it will be airbrushing t-shirts. When doing airbrush art onto t-shirts as a business then invest in a commercial air compressor. It will be worth it in the long run. Most of the times you will need to heat set your paints so that they can be washed without fading or bleeding. Those that apply make up are considered artists and airbrushing on makeup is just another great way that they have found to show off their artistic median. The make up goes on water and has to dry. As it dries those watching can see the transformation of the subject from what she was to what she is now becoming. 

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