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🧘 POWERFUL Believe in Yourself Guided Meditation | Increase Your Self Belief Self Hypnosis

When people refer to instinct they are actually speaking of the subconscious. Theta: This refers to the brainwaves that are products of the subconscious mind. This is a deep state of hypnosis. These brainwaves are present in our brains during sleep when we are dreaming and also during REM sleep. Trance: This is the state you are in while you are hypnotized. Mesmer had great fame and success until a group of people one of which was Benjamin Franklin began to investigate him. The group concluded that the people who were cured had done so with the powers of their own imagination and that their cure had nothing to do with Franz Anton Mesmer and his magnets. After the hypnosis session watch and see what progress mentally and physically you are seeing in your team members. Sometimes positive messages have to be done to fit the individual. So if what you are using is not working then try using different positive messages with the next hypnosis session and see if those fit to enhance your athletes. From the self help audio tapes came trend of people actually trying to self hypnotize themselves to achieve the same results that a doctor or trained hypnotist would achieve. As with hypnosis there came much controversy and criticism over self hypnosis as there was in the past over hypnosis. Many in society believed these people to be weird and eccentric. Now that you have taken the path to the right you need to imagine yourself starting to jog down the path that you have chosen. Use your positive messages again, telling yourself, "Jogging is good for me", "I love to exercise", "Exercising make me feel good". Feel yourself becoming more powerful as you jog down this path. Myth #5-Hypnosis is unsafe Actually hypnosis is safe as it deals with a very natural state of the human mind. Hypnosis can be unsafe if done while doing something that requires you full attention though. You should not try self hypnosis while walking across a busy street as this would prove to be unsafe. 

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