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Dr. David Spiegel: Using Hypnosis to Enhance Health & Performance

But sometimes you may need more than just a book to read to help you use self hypnosis to manage your pain. When you need more than a book, there is a great audio tape available that will guide you through the self hypnosis session. The use of this audio tape during self hypnosis is the subliminal messages that the tape send to your subconscious mind during a hypnosis session. With out self confidence people suffer in many areas of their lives because they do not trust themselves enough to take a chance. Social skills are affected by our self confidence or lack there of. With out self confidence we tend to have trouble engaging knew people in conversations and thus making friends. After you have purchased the instructional books and audio tapes, you will not have any more expenses. This leaves you free to work on learning self hypnosis techniques without fear of running up expensive fees. Since it can sometimes take more than one session with a hypnotist to achieve the desired results, using self hypnosis really is a cheaper and more practical way to go. Once you have retrained your mind, you will see how much easier it is to remember details and such of an event. When you are ready to use self hypnosis to strengthen your memory employees, then go to your local library and check out some self hypnosis audio tapes for improved memory. Most local libraries will carry these but if your s does not then you should be able to find them at a bookstore. Then as the couch start the session and have everyone begin their induction. Once everyone has reached a deep level of hypnosis begin using the positive messages. After the hypnosis session watch and see what progress mentally and physically you are seeing in your team members. Sometimes positive messages have to be done to fit the individual. To some of you this one is a no brainer but some people have actually thought this, so I will make mention of it. By making mention of this there will be no confusion on anyone s part. Self hypnosis can not be used to make some one fall in love with you. There is no amount of trance session that you can do to will that person to love you. 

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