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Hypnosis to Declutter Your Mind Before Deep Sleep | Healing Anxiety, OCD & Depression

Then when you need to recall those details your mind only allows for so much of the stored information to be recalled. So you must retrain your mind to grasp things differently. Once you have retrained your mind, you will see how much easier it is to remember details and such of an event. When you are ready to use self hypnosis to strengthen your memory employees, then go to your local library and check out some self hypnosis audio tapes for improved memory. You can also visualize yourself at this point in situations where you normally lack confidence and in the visualization just visualize yourself interacting in this situation with confidence. Make sure though to say your positive phrases while doing the visualizations. Keep at the method of self hypnosis that you see working for you and remember that it takes time to reprogram the mind to hold on to this new found you. Instead use a phrases such as, "I am relaxed", "I am in control", "I feel great today", "Life is good and everything in it is good". These positive words will become imprinted in your mind allowing for your subconscious mind maintain this outlook. By maintaining this outlook you will find that you are less stressed and that everyday challenges are getting easier to handle with minimal or no stress at all. Many experts recommend that a person never associate sleep with self hypnosis. While during self hypnosis you are in a very deeply relaxed state you are however not a sleep. There fore you should never just go to sleep to end a self hypnosis session because the mind will begin to associated the two different occurrences together though. Most the time our weight problems is not in the fact that we don t try to take care of ourselves but in the fact of how our subconscious mind sends messages to our bodies. This reprogramming will allow you to lose the weight. Once the weight is gone you will see a more sexier housewife and so will your husband. The above self hypnosis audio tapes and audio Cds will give you back the control you need to get the sleep you want and need. All of these audio tapes and Cds work, the one you choose to use is dependant upon what you like and what sounds you want to hear. After all if the sounds of the forest annoy you then this would not be a choice for you to try and use to sleep. 

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