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Hypnotize Yourself | Dan Candell | TEDxAuburnMiddleSchool

After all it is hard to be at work and not allow our minds to wander off to a better place. Or be driving for a long distance and not find our minds drifting off somewhere else. So once again scientists and researchers have shown us that we all have used self hypnosis whether we wanted to or not. Another form of self hypnosis is intense concentration on a project. There are some great books out there that will give you a starting point and help you to expand on your knowledge of self hypnosis. Self-Change Hypnosis by Richard Mackenzie is a great book to help you get started in using hypnosis to rid yourself of negative thoughts and opinions of yourself. In his book he will break down what self hypnosis is so that even a beginner can understand and get started. He teaches self hypnosis to individuals and groups at seminars and even on-location. For athletes Sal offers sport hypnosis that he will teach your team to use during a self hypnosis session. Sal also teaches self hypnosis for personal success and stress management. Sal is a member of the National Guild and uses his experience and knowledge to teach others. Franz Anton Mesmer was 32 when he received his medical qualifications. His dissertation was written on heavenly bodies on people's health. This became the basis in which his philosophy of mesmerism would be founded on. His theory of magnetism would come from seeing a street magician use a magnet to get people to do his bidding. This will allow for a more successful self hypnosis session. Remember that your mind will pick up on negative words so try to avoid any negative words during your session. Some things that you should not say during your session are, "My breasts are too small. I want larger breasts", because your mind will pick up on the negative of "too small" and miss the positive of wanting larger breasts. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: This is also known as NLP and refers to the science of modeling other people to gain a similar result. Reframing: This refers to using your imagination to visualize a different outcome for a past experience. Mostly used when a bad experience needs to be gotten past before a person can progress. 

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