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Even if you have been doing self hypnosis for awhile and just want to broaden your understanding or learn a new technique you can benefit from an expert also. Sal Salgado is a behavioral therapist located in Des Moines, Iowa. He teaches self hypnosis to individuals and groups at seminars and even on-location. Know that you have a weight problem after becoming a housewife can be frustrating. More than likely you have tried many dieting programs that have failed you in the past. This leaves most housewives feeling run down and undesirable. Self hypnosis can change your weight by reprogramming your subconscious. To give association to these classifications, we can liken them to an office that has three employees with you being the boss. Employee #1 is the encoding and it is that employees job to type up everything that you give him and then hand it over to employee #2. Employee #2 is the storage and it is his job to take the typed up information and place it into the appropriate filing cabinet. Do not use the phrase, "I will not become stressed", because your mind will wrap around the word stressed. Instead use a phrases such as, "I am relaxed", "I am in control", "I feel great today", "Life is good and everything in it is good". These positive words will become imprinted in your mind allowing for your subconscious mind maintain this outlook. I polled more people to get a better understanding from the view point of people as to why with so much skeptics surrounding hypnosis and even self hypnosis are hypnotists still able to receive a large number of new and repeat clients. Men and women both seemed to view this from the same standing. What I learned was that in the mind s of people this business is flourishing because despite skeptics people are willing to try anything to get what they want. Improving Self Confidence Using Self Hypnosis Self confidence is something that seems to elude some people. It seems that either you have it or you do not. With out self confidence people suffer in many areas of their lives because they do not trust themselves enough to take a chance. Social skills are affected by our self confidence or lack there of. 

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