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Use Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Mind - Bruce Lipton #selfhypnosis #lawofattraction

How can you master something if you give up? Therefore you must have a strong level of commitment in order to master self hypnosis. Commitment is what keeps us going and working toward our intended goal even when we are met with roadblocks. Just as with desire your commitment must be strong. Gratitude is the last key that you need to achieve in order to master self hypnosis. While the majority of the women I polled leaned toward believing that hypnosis could help one to stop smoking, the women did not believe that self hypnosis would work. The majority of the women said that hypnosis would only in their opinion work if the person used a trained hypnotist. Men on the other hand did not believe that hypnosis would work whether a hypnotist was used or not. Her CD titled Power Journey to Deep Restful Sleep, uses guided imagery along with relaxing background music. Sleep should not elude you nor should you be dependant upon drugs to help you to get the sleep you need. The above self hypnosis audio tapes and audio Cds will give you back the control you need to get the sleep you want and need. Have all team members read and memorize the positive messages that will be used during the self hypnosis session. This way all team members will know what messages to say and use during the session. Avoid using any negative words during the session. The mind will grasp onto the negative words and miss all the positive words. Use positive words as the mind will wrap around the negative words and this will cause the self hypnosis to fail. Do not use the phrase, "I will not become stressed", because your mind will wrap around the word stressed. Instead use a phrases such as, "I am relaxed", "I am in control", "I feel great today", "Life is good and everything in it is good". Ways Self Hypnosis Will Save You Money Hiring a hypnotist can cost hundreds of dollars depending on the amount of sessions that are required the reason you are using a hypnotist. The amount of money that is totaled up can over time become costly. The only question is why hire a hypnotist when you can do it yourself? 

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