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What is Hypnosis? Dr. Andrew Huberman Explains | The Tim Ferriss Show

One way is to tape yourself saying positive messages and play them while you are a sleep. Just make sure to only record positive messages and avoid any negative words as your mind will attach and hold on to the negative words. Some phrases you can use are, "I am an interesting person", "I have much to offer people", "I am friendly, intelligent and people like me", "I am a great employee and they value my insight". As well as being a popular trend it showed us the evolution that hypnosis had taken over the course of time. From the self help audio tapes came trend of people actually trying to self hypnotize themselves to achieve the same results that a doctor or trained hypnotist would achieve. As with hypnosis there came much controversy and criticism over self hypnosis as there was in the past over hypnosis. Your subconscious mind will not allow for you to do anything that is out of character for you. Also with self hypnosis you are hypnotizing yourself, so why would you be at risk of doing anything silly or stupid? After all would you try and hypnotize yourself to bark like a dog every time you heard a door bell? Her CD titled Power Journey to Deep Restful Sleep, uses guided imagery along with relaxing background music. Sleep should not elude you nor should you be dependant upon drugs to help you to get the sleep you need. The above self hypnosis audio tapes and audio Cds will give you back the control you need to get the sleep you want and need. Before it was used in western medicine, self hypnosis was used for healing and as part of human religious practices. Self hypnosis now a days is widely accepted as a scientific approach to self discovery and change. The extent in which self hypnosis has become widespread is apparent in all those self help audio tapes that people are buying and listening to while they are in bed. Even though you know that there is information out there it is sometimes hard to know where to start. As human beings the majority of us need a place to start. There are some great books out there that will give you a starting point and help you to expand on your knowledge of self hypnosis. Self-Change Hypnosis by Richard Mackenzie is a great book to help you get started in using hypnosis to rid yourself of negative thoughts and opinions of yourself. 

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