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A gathering of 20 or up to a hundred like minded singles is brought together at a restaurant or bar set up for such an event. The participants are usually given time to meet and choose prospects during the mix and mingle periods. After this stage has been set, the participants are given the chance to meet up with 8 other singles of their choosing. You can meet a large number of people in one event which makes it ideal for very busy persons who basically have no time to go on series of dates just to meet someone or for people who have very exclusive or limited social circles to go to. Also, in this dating environment both men and women interact demolishing the age old tradition of men as the aggressor. Although the concept is actually not so new anymore in western countries, having been practiced for years now; it is enjoying popularity just now. Perhaps, this is because the idea of speed dating is more viable and much more needed now than before. Speed dating, to those who are still clueless about the system, is a matchmaking process wherein people will meet and have a chance to talk for a short period of time. A great number of at times 80% request for repeat dates. Jewish speed dating takes every possible means to work on a balance ratio on both men and women in their every date settings. Although, there is no much guarantee in assurance of a perfect balanced ratio, the date providers open new schedules; or rather, if it can't be resolved, a refund of the payment is its last recourse. All these are reasons; why in the long run, they seek speed dating as the quickest way coping with lost times, and capitalizing the greater chance of finding partners amidst busiest atmosphere in their lives. 3. The Senior Citizens - They maybe widowers, widows, divorced, and aged singles (in youth let time passed over) let alone to themselves because of this or that reasons. Speed dating is a means of helping single guys and girls meet up with each other through a planned event. Speed dating hosts usually set up a party in one of the hippest or coolest bar locations for singles in the area. This speed dating party allows participating singles to gather together and take part in one of the most exciting and novel match making methods ever to hit the country ever since online dating was introduced. 

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