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10 Most Bizarre Venomous Spiders

What is the first aid procedure in case of spider bites? It all depends on the body part where you've been bitten; when the spider bites occur on the arm or the leg, tie a bandage right above the bite so as to prevent the spreading of the venom. Nevertheless, too tight a bandage may affect the correct blood flow in the area. Spider Identification Spider identification is no easy thing to do particularly if you lack experience and the scientific information that allow one to perform a correct classification. The most common way to perform the identification at a very amateurish level is to actually compare a specimen with a picture or a drawing and see whether there is a match. As their very name suggests they enjoy very retreated corners where they are not bothered by light or intruders: cellars, garages, hallways or any other dark house area. Moreover, brown recluse spiders are very likely to be found behind paintings or under desks and tables. Brown recluse spiders are also very special by the way they have the eyes located on the body. The hunting habits are the same regardless of whether we are talking about the hobo spiders that live indoors or out in the fields, gardens and hedges. The worst consequence of a hobo spider bite is the death of the tissue or necrosis; it is due to such a risk that the general opinion considers the hobo spider highly dangerous. Camel Spider Lots of scary stories and myths about the camel spider often give people the creeps: the word goes that this species can eat out flesh portions after injecting a form of anesthetic in the victim's body, not to mention that its dimensions are truly impressive. The truth is somewhere in between: the camel spider lives in the Middle East countries, and it has become known in the United States and the rest of world after US troops have come across some specimens. The special thing about these creatures is the way the females carry the egg sacs with them, and once the eggs hatch, the siblings remain attached to their mothers' back until they are large enough to detach and start a life on their own. Without being venomous, the wolf spider bite can cause a bit of trouble for more sensitive people. 

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