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20 Most Venomous Spiders in the World

In the majority of cases the wound is likely to heal without any medical intervention whatsoever, however, the exception appears in the cases when the venom spreads in a blood vessel. It is not unusual to misdiagnose various skin infections as brown recluse spider bites, since the symptoms are very often miscellaneous. When you see a brown recluse spider for the first time it is impossible not to notice how much it resembles a violin; it is actually known as the fiddle-back spider or the violin spider for the color pattern it has on the back and bottom areas. Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. Despite its diversity, all the huntsman spider specimens have eight eyes disposed on various parts of the body, and a good vision for the close and distant potential pray. Unlike the general opinion that associates spiders with webs, this is not the case with the huntsman spider: this species goes out to hunt its pray as it doesn't wait for it to get caught in a web. Inevitably, you will get into contact with a spider sooner or later, either indoors or outdoors; the general tendency is to destroy their nests inside of our homes since we associate cob webs with a messy and unclean area. Last but not least, certain spider species are a real threat to humans by the damage their venom can do to us. Brown Widow Spider Distantly related to the black widow, the brown widow spider is far less toxic than its famous cousin. Though it is widely spread in the United States, this species often proves difficult to identify because of its variable color. Thus, you may find brown widow spider specimens in a variety of colors from light tan to dark brown; moreover, all sorts of markings decorate their bodies making them all the more unique. Like many other venomous creatures, the black widow spider has bright red pattens on it as a warning sign for predators that would attempt to feed on it. The black widow spider is not capable of killing a bird that would eat it, but the digestive sickness that would follow, will be definitely enough to make it avoid attacking the black widow again. 

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