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Fearsome-Looking Whip Spider Sheds Its Exoskeleton | Weird, True and Freaky

The exaggerations related to camel spiders are explained by their large size, but what most people don't know is that they are not actually spiders, but a different type of arachnids more like the scorpions actually. They have no venom, and they simply kill their prey by cutting it, which, as a matter of fact, makes them less dangerous than many spiders and scorpions. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to stay calm since anxiety adds up to the severity of the symptoms and that is surely the last thing you'd like to do. One further mention here is that many of the dangers related to hobo spiders are in fact rumors and anecdotes found on the Internet. Hobo spiders definitely do not deserve the label of aggressiveness, and presently, there are trends of opinion among scientists related to the real danger of this species for humans: there are some who actually claim that hobo spiders are no threat to humans. Though, there are some morphological differences, the three varieties are pretty much related and similar to each other. Like many other venomous creatures, the black widow spider has bright red pattens on it as a warning sign for predators that would attempt to feed on it. The black widow spider is not capable of killing a bird that would eat it, but the digestive sickness that would follow, will be definitely enough to make it avoid attacking the black widow again. Unlike the general opinion that associates spiders with webs, this is not the case with the huntsman spider: this species goes out to hunt its pray as it doesn't wait for it to get caught in a web. Tree bark, crevices and even garages and sheds are the favorite places where the huntsman spider would make its home. There are thousands of species, some more venomous than others, to the point that they can kill a man in a matter of minutes. Despite their incredible diversity, all spiders create silk and design complex webs in which they catch their prey, nevertheless, silk is also great for climbing and laying eggs. The easiest way to tell spiders apart is by comparing them with pictures from albums and learning the features specific to each species or variety. Many people learn to identify spider specimens that live closest to their homes, in sheds and garages. Inevitably, you will get into contact with a spider sooner or later, either indoors or outdoors; the general tendency is to destroy their nests inside of our homes since we associate cob webs with a messy and unclean area. 

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