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The Truth About The World's Most Venomous Spider

If you suspect to have been bitten by such a spider, it is good to keep a close watch on how the condition of the affected area evolves. There should be no pain felt at the beginning, as reactions only appear within two or up to eight hours after the bite. Contact the doctor immediately should there be any increased discomfort, and do not let the bite untreated if its condition gets worse! Unlike other related species, the hobo spider isn't hairy; though the legs of these creatures are very strong and large, they are also very smooth. The life extent of the hobo spider is pretty reduced, but though this species lives for a short period of time, their existence is pretty intense. Every year around August and September the hobo spider males are incredibly active, and it is during this time of the year that most bites are reported. The most common way to perform the identification at a very amateurish level is to actually compare a specimen with a picture or a drawing and see whether there is a match. The important thing about spider identification is to actually be able to tell the poisonous spiders from the non-poisonous ones. Presently, there are all sorts of devices that allow people to catch and analyze the spiders that live in their homes so as to find out whether they are poisonous or not. Quality photos or drawings as well as proper descriptions of the species are necessary when trying to distinguish between the various spiders that live so very close to us. A special feature of the wolf spider is the position of the eyes on the body; the four pairs are arranged in very unique ways, with four small eyes in a bottom row, two large ones placed in the middle and two middle-sized ones on the top row. The specificity of their vision organs is the one that ensures the survival of the species since the wolf spider depends on the eyesight to hunt. When you see a brown recluse spider for the first time it is impossible not to notice how much it resembles a violin; it is actually known as the fiddle-back spider or the violin spider for the color pattern it has on the back and bottom areas. Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. 

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