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The next thirty six hours are crucial for the evolution of the condition, since it is now that a deterioration or an improvement may occur; generally speaking, the ulcer and the necrosis will only appear within a few days if the health status does not improve. Once the venom has got into the system, there is a whole range of symptoms that accompany the brown recluse spider bite: vomiting, nausea, fever and muscular or joint pain have been among the most frequently reported. The worst consequence of a hobo spider bite is the death of the tissue or necrosis; it is due to such a risk that the general opinion considers the hobo spider highly dangerous. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that necrosis is very rare and almost accidental, since it appears in very special cases when the immune system of the victim is already impaired. Even in North America there are three different types of the black widow spider and their classification is made according to the geographical area where they live: there is the northern black widow, the southern black widow and the western black widow; thus the species is widely spread from the south of Canada to Mexico. Well adapted to various living conditions spiders use great camouflages, and they even imitate other species for survival. Most species have six or eight eyes disposed in various groupings on the body. Certain eyes are even more specialized than the others, not to mention the fact that there are also blind eye pairs that are located in various places on the articulate bodies of these creatures. The number of reported bites is the highest during the mating season when the funnel web spider males enter in houses and garages through small gaps in the doors and window sills. Mating is dangerous for the funnel web spider as the females are very aggressive, this is why the male funnel web spiders have to hold them with the spurs on the second legs. Lots of videos with the camel spider cutting its prey into pieces and then consuming it, have been uploaded on the Internet. Moreover, it is also interesting to watch a fight between a scorpion and a camel spider, as the latter will most surely win in the majority of cases.As for the potential danger to humans, that does exist. 

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