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5 Unbelievable Things That Happen During A Spiritual Awakening!

Now, it is up to the people how to use that warfare deep within them so that the enemy would not end up triumphant. The words of God, the faith, and the whole armor that God gave the people will save us from those attacks. People can never stop the fiery darts from coming, but with the help of those weapons they can be stopped from cursing a lasting effect. " This brings us to the two things that he mentioned - art and science. These two indulgences have dominated human's consciousness in the process of achieving answers to the mysteries that have confounded us about the universe. These two distinct establishments, polar opposites they may be, have paved the way to advancement in the realm of technology and human awareness. Their messages are the foundations from which societies based their civility, morality and laws that have guided us, without which would have made it impossible for humanity to survive. Often, their lives are the epitome of sacrifices and the world responded many times with ridicule. They plodded on nonetheless and we are what we are now, enjoying what we have now, because they dared to show us the path to a better life and better relationships and to led us to acknowledge powers that are far greater than any of us could imagine. A lot of societies and nations depend on material science in order to bring their countries in a developed state. With advanced technological breakthroughs and inventions, the lives of people are generally becoming easier by the day. In addition, such recent inventions and discoveries further disprove old beliefs and traditions that people may have for many generations already even including spiritual science. Our inner soul is telling us that we are surrounded by it and that it gives us the proper power to face each day and each challenge that may come our way. Moreover, with such spiritual symbols present everywhere; we are then being guided into being able to communicate with our inner self or with our mind. These simple things include the concept of spiritual medicine wherein people can truly feel saved and protected from the temptations and evils in the world. With the term spiritual, it is simply saying that we are openly bringing ourselves to our faith to God and restoring our bodies in their spiritual state. 

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