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963Hz Spiritual Awakening. The God Frequency - Pineal Gland Activator - manifest Anything You Desire

What is more, as we perceive the world as such, we also start to see other people in a different light. We then realize that although we may not know every person living on the planet, everything we do can indefinitely change their lives and the courses of their actions. Therefore, in order to have a much more positive world, we must learn from our past experiences. Achieving Spiritual Development Despite A Materialistic World During the earlier days, people primarily used their instincts as well as their psychic abilities in order to figure out the world and live life in such a way that they will attract positive energy at all times. However, it has become a totally different scenario nowadays, especially that we now live in such a materialistic world wherein scientific technologies and discoveries rule our lives. It doesn't tell us that in order for us to be enlightened spiritually, there is a particular path to take. Instead, it explains that all are on one or another path, but each will lead us in the same direction, and at the end self-realization as well as God-realization will be achieved. The people who are interested in this science are those that have the sincere and genuine angst over learning the art of truly conscious living. It's inevitable that we encounter the word 'God' in this discourse, and that is contradicting since it's impossible to find a connection between Science and the idea of an all-encompassing Creator. Creationism is in direct conflict with Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory (I'll leave you to decide for yourself whether it's still a theory), making the debate far from coming into a conclusion. So after experiencing the humanity, the divinity makes you feel you are everything. Meaning, you are no longer your own body, mind, senses, and your intellect faculty. And in this stage, you are directly undertaking the divine experience, the attainment of God, which is the highest level that spiritual masters undergo. However, with a thing called spiritual satisfaction, a person can finally say that he does not want any worldly things to satisfy himself but more of a spiritual wealth. And while attaining spiritual satisfaction is definitely difficult to reach, such a process is actually the same with people called hermits who choose to live in the mountains in pure solitude and peace. 

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