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How To Become Enlightened - The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed!

When spiritual enlightenment is considered, you are at a stage when you are taking just everything as presented but you are also undergoing an effort to detach worldly things from your existence. In the second levels, you rise into humanity, to which now constitutes the very nature of the human individuals. Spiritual Science couldn't care less about the pervading conflict between the two, because even though it places emphasis on the importance of observation and critical thinking, it still accepts the notion of mystery and phenomena that current scientific processes are unable to explain. One of the compelling facts of Spiritual Science is that it utilizes many schools of thought that have a foothold on both spiritual and scientific discourse, and the combination thereof, such as metaphysics, chemistry, the social sciences, arts, literature and many others. It is therefore important for people to realize such truths about spiritual symbols so that they can appreciate the little things they come across in their lives. It is necessary for them to see that these symbols are what guide us into achieving our spiritual development to eventually become a whole human being. We are the only creation that is creative and thereby are co-creators. We are not fully alive unless we create positively. To create positively is to go outside of the self. Notice those who served a lot and gave a lot achieved a lot and is remembered best. They are the guideposts of everything that is good and everything we secretly aspire for. It is not true that those who are able to give can because they live on excess, as most people believe. On the contrary, people who give attracts powers in the universe (unbelievable though it may sound) to have more for them to give more. When giving is practiced, without expecting any in return, the person ultimately lives abundantly. Teaching Others Another important thing is that people should find the will to share and teach others everything they have learned while going through the process of spiritual awakening. It is critical that other people should learn too, all about your realizations in order for positivism to mutate and multiply all over the place. 

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