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Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening: Phil Borges at TEDxUMKC

A Thing Called Faith Since the earlier days, it has been said that all of the achievements of men are in fact due to the power that we can achieve through our faith; and that such faith can definitely encompass any material concept we ever dip our fingers on. Basically, faith is what keeps a human being strong and glorious in the end. In Rudolf's early work on Anthroposophy, he penned the terms "Philosophy of Freedom", which relates to man's freedom to create his own view about mankind and the universe in light of his own unique belief systems that resulted from independent thought and interactions with the outside world. Does Your Relationship Need Spiritual Awakening Are you currently having a strained relationship? Is it getting more and more difficult as each day passes? Maybe you and your partner need spiritual awakening. What does it do? How do you submit yourselves to a spiritual awakening? Will this help rekindle the old flame of the relationship? Anthroposophical medicine also relies on allied therapies, which include massage therapy, eurythmics (otherwise known as movement therapy). Eurythmics is the science and art of harmonizing our inner spiritual movements. Psychotherapy is another branch of allied therapies, which helps in dealing with sickness and disease on a psychological level. Faith and belief that is certain and with conviction, without inner conflicts ultimately prepares all of us to achieve things that other people could only call luck. Believing in who you are and what you are capable of doing starts the ball of opportunity rolling to your direction. All that is left is your ability to recognize it and act on it. Therefore, in order to have a much more positive world, we must learn from our past experiences. We must make sure that everything we do is geared towards bearing a positively fruitful result. They do not have to be good for us alone, but of course, for the good of all. Doing so, we will find ourselves humble enough to become true stewards of the society. 

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