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Should You Talk About Your Spiritual Awakening Experience with Others?

With an awakened spirit, a person can truly feel satisfied not only with himself but with the world which surrounds him in his everyday life. A World In A Different Light As our spirits are slowly being awakened, we can then see the world in a much different light. The world that we see as an evil place where materialism and capitalism reign suddenly becomes something that is much more beautiful and worthy of preservation. But then, spiritual science does not only govern people while they are alive but also when they pass away. With a thing called "soul" belonging to each and every individual in the planet, certainly spiritual science does exist, too. And as man becomes much more obsessed and blinded with material science, so does he alienate himself more from spiritual science. Their messages are the foundations from which societies based their civility, morality and laws that have guided us, without which would have made it impossible for humanity to survive. Often, their lives are the epitome of sacrifices and the world responded many times with ridicule. They plodded on nonetheless and we are what we are now, enjoying what we have now, because they dared to show us the path to a better life and better relationships and to led us to acknowledge powers that are far greater than any of us could imagine. Healing Through Spiritual Medicine The world in which we live in today consists of countless material possessions and desires. Indeed, it has become a difficult task for people to acknowledge the simple things in life since they are now blinded by the quantity of riches and fame. Remember that however simple these things may be, they are much more important to the lives of human beings than those materialistic possessions you can never ever bring with you when you pass away. However, auras are not only emanated but can also be shared with another person. This means that if a person exudes a negative aura in him, he can definitely influence other people's aura into being in the same state. Negativity Making It Worse For Human Beings Furthermore, it is true that our world today is filled with such negative auras and unhealthy temptations. If you remember, your soul is always connected to your body and therefore, when your soul is weakened, your physical body is then vulnerable to all sorts of temptations and negative energy. Being Aware Of The Laws of The Universe Accept spiritual healing and everything will be well. Whoever will heal the ill person should be aware of the laws of the universe as well as its governing principles. 

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