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Spiritual Enlightenment

This means that there are four parts of what decides the general condition of an individual. The first one is the physical body, which is the vessel. The life/etheric body, which is the same as the Chinese idea of chi, embodies the second, while the third level is the soul/astral body. Finally, the fourth one resides in the spirit. If so you are going to deal with the process where the knowledge of the soul is being derived from the systematic study of things that our senses, like our intuition, perceive. It has no scripture or doctrine and studies on all belief system and religions, and it takes the best things that each of them has to offer. In order for us to fully comprehend what spirituality means, perhaps it is essential that we discuss the meaning of the root word itself, which is spirit. Spirit is an intangible property, one that alludes to something incorporeal, something mysterious and not bound by the material world. The most hailed scholar and physicist, Albert Einstein, alluded to spirituality through these words: "The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious - the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. What is more, if something fails in the system of material science, it also suggests its end unless it is being swiftly replaced or repaired. But then, spiritual science does not only govern people while they are alive but also when they pass away. With a thing called "soul" belonging to each and every individual in the planet, certainly spiritual science does exist, too. This integration is focused on spiritual sustenance that an individual can achieve in interacting with the physical plane through the gaining of wisdom and knowledge, with the conscious effort of being an advocate of love, humanism and the general well being of mankind. In this approach, one can reach the state of being divine, and be in harmony with the entity of God. The same God who created you and I loves with a love that is beyond comprehension, so unselfish that we were bestowed with the freedom to choose to refuse the goodwill of the One who created us. All over the earth, we alone enjoy that privilege. We alone could say no to God. We are not totally left alone. 

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