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Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear

It is based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner (27 February 1861 30 March 1925), a philosopher, social genius, and architect. He founded the movement of Anthroposopy, and postulated a belief system that integrates the material world to the spiritual world. This integration is focused on spiritual sustenance that an individual can achieve in interacting with the physical plane through the gaining of wisdom and knowledge, with the conscious effort of being an advocate of love, humanism and the general well being of mankind. And knowing that our mind is limited by the interpretations of the human brain, we will need to do away with the mind while trying to attempt this exercise. You need to look at the mind like a casual observer, and treat it as something that is separate from our selves. Try to relax and concentrate, and ensure that you are in a location secluded from outside interference. It is important that the spiritual healer follow such laws of the universe and use pure life energy into restoring the ill fated individual into his normal state. Such king of healing, aside from following the laws of the universe, also includes different conventional medicine healing that can do well not only to the body but also to both mind and spirit. Spiritual Symbols: Perceivable To The Eyes However, such spiritual symbols can still be depicted in ways that can be perceived by the eyes. With the touch of art or architecture, these symbols can be replicated into things that our mind can easily understand and comprehend. Even simple shapes like triangles and spheres can have significant depictions to the eyes of those people seeing them. In a sense, it is when a person develops his inner consciousness and becomes more aware of the value of things which surround him. That is why it is very essential that people should realize the greater need to achieve an awakened spirit rather than dwelling into worldly and materialistic desires. With an awakened spirit, a person can truly feel satisfied not only with himself but with the world which surrounds him in his everyday life. Instead, it explains that all are on one or another path, but each will lead us in the same direction, and at the end self-realization as well as God-realization will be achieved. The people who are interested in this science are those that have the sincere and genuine angst over learning the art of truly conscious living. 

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