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🎓 What Did You Learn? | Alingon Mitra #standupcomedy #comedian #joke #education #college #university

It would be beneficial if you would take note and practice the better strategies for such obsolete techniques. Useless strategy: Writing funny jokes and performing them as is on stage. It is a good practice to write your materials based on observations and fresh ideas. However, be aware that some jokes could be funny only when read from paper. You never know when the person who shouted the loudest boo at you will perform your skit at other places. Make sure that you videotape yourself during live performances at open mics. This way, you will have clear evidence that it is indeed your material if ever it would be someday stolen. Watching the videos can also help you see your strengths and weaknesses. For sure, they could easily relate to your antic. Practice makes perfect Practice or rehearse your delivery. You may do so in front of a mirror. To get instant feedback, you may rehearse your piece in front of a confidante or a trusted friend. Listen to what he or she could say about your performance. The audience may not instantly like you, but you should always try to impress and make them laugh. The hardest part when learning standup comedy and starting out a career at it is beginning into the journey. You need to jumpstart your entry. After some time that you have improved your humor and your comedy skills, you need to conquer your nervousness and learn how to perform in a big crowd. The Filipino comedic style revolves around redoing well-documented jokes but with more exaggeration in terms of the situation. Comedians also have a good time with the audience by mimicking well-known celebrities, engaging in hilarious song and dance numbers, and even going as far as making fun of the audience. You need to learn standup comedy that tunes in with the present humor and wants of audiences. There are more sources of entertainment these days. To begin with, there are more than 200 cable television stations to choose from. Comedy acts, shows, and movies are somehow considered as staples by such channels. 

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