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Crash Burn Learn: a stand-up comedy workshop

Aside from taking this a step higher by becoming a professional, you can utilize what you have learned on personal events or parties that you have organized. Now that you are set about what you want to achieve, what do you need to do to learn the act? Here are some tips that you can adapt to help you in the process. There were people who got set on fire, flung to immovable forces like walls and posts, and smashed with skull-crushing bricks. A basic ingredient of alternative comedy can also come in the quality of the audience. A general principle of this trade is that a knowledgeable and witty audience can help in boosting the performance or routine. Train for your act Public speaking training or improvisation acting could be very helpful. It is important that you feel comfortable whenever you are on stage or in front of the audience. To feel comfort in the act, start by memorizing your best materials. Rehearse your lines and your delivery on your own, in front of the mirror. Basically it features a routine wherein a pair of performers trade blows via jokes done in great speed and succession. The pair is composed of a straight man called as tsukkomi and a funny man, which is identified as a boke. The jokes given revolve around double-talk, verbal gags, mutual misunderstandings, and puns. Logically, antics and jokes that were hilarious and truly funny in the past years may not be funny or even entertaining these days. Aside from the changing and evolving preferences of audience when it comes to humor, there just are too many other factors to consider. You need to learn standup comedy that tunes in with the present humor and wants of audiences. Bharata Muni s Natya Shastra which is a component of Sanskrit Drama identified humor or hasyam as an element of the eight nava rasas otherwise known as principle rasas. These are emotional responses that can be influenced and inspired within a crowd by the use of bhavas or the mimicry of emotions that the actors present. 

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