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🎤Losing an Audiences - Learn Stand Up Comedy - Greg Dean - Short

The increase in the number of post-war comic talents came hand in hand with the improvements on television and radio. When this happened the music hall circuit took a significant amount of blow. Television exposure demanded for fresh new materials on a regular basis while music hall routines only entail performers to boringly work on a single material for a long period of time. He emphasized in this work that the essence of the ridiculous is the ignorance exhibited by the weak who lacks the ability to fight back even after being ridiculed. Furthermore, Aristotle suggested in his Poetics that an ugliness that does not initiate disgust is necessary for humor. Bharata Muni s Natya Shastra which is a component of Sanskrit Drama identified humor or hasyam as an element of the eight nava rasas otherwise known as principle rasas. In such case, the entertainment value is not entirely dependent on the technical prowess of getting the exact voice replica but more so on making the tone and pattern recognizable. The scheme of referring to the celebrity is the core of the joke and not merely the rendition made. The UK became quite a seat for impressionists. It would help if you would look at several conventional and useless strategies that some people use when they learn standup comedy. It would be beneficial if you would take note and practice the better strategies for such obsolete techniques. Useless strategy: Writing funny jokes and performing them as is on stage. Strive harder to make it as catchy and as funny as it could be. Effective punchlines are often placed strategically at the end of sentences. As you write your standup comedy material, remember to put the punchline of a joke at the end or near the end of a sentence or paragraph. You should not put it at the beginning. Another venue called Punchline Comedy Club also allows foreign acts to fill the happy meter of natives. Let s get a move on and head on to Singapore which has had a gradual development when it comes to the stand-up comedy scene. The country has a trio of active venues which include the likes of TakeOut Comedy, Each of Howl at the Moon, and The Comedy Club Asia. 

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