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🎤Tricks for Dark Material - Learn Stand Up Comedy - Greg Dean Classes

Instead of aiming to make people laugh, they just intend to keep people in company and mostly, to earn money. Yes, standup comedians need money above all. But seasoned and committed performers prioritize making people laugh over earning a decent and hefty living. Not all standup comedy performers would remain standing for that commitment. Here are some ideas that could help you learn standup comedy and at the same time jumpstart a lucrative career in it. Start through open mics Numerous bars, caf s, and nightclubs mount open microphone nights. Such events are opportunities where new and aspiring standup comedians could initially perform. Here are some tips that you can adapt to help you in the process. 1. It is a good thing if you also have the skills in writing comedic skits and script, but you must not stop there. Try to read the lines that you have written, which you think are very funny. You can record yourself while doing this or say it out loud in front of an audience. You may look at the exact number of words that are used before every punchline is delivered. You may adapt the same rate or frequency. Study every punchline relative to the video material you have accessed. When the analysis is done, treat the transcribed comedy material as a good template for your own. This is where the field gets its name as well as the performer who is aptly called as stand-up comedian, stand-up comic, or just simply stand-up. Moving on, let s focus on how the stand-up system works. Performances are usually seen in short yet fast-paced routines, acts, or monologues. During this time the comedian brings forth laughter and fun via successive and timely bits or short jokes, humorous anecdotes, and one-liners. Humor can be defined as the tendency of a specific cognitive experience to bring forth laughter that eventually leads to total amusement. Throughout time, there have been numerous theories that offer explanation about the social relevance and function of humor. These studies have identified that individuals of various ages and culture groups give out distinct responses to certain forms of humor. 

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