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How To Stop Stuttering Today

The second one is associated with problems in word finding or retrieval. The third is associated with problems in generation of complex grammatical forms and the last involves problems with auditory processing. Another sub-group involves the cognitive processes. Problems in this area lead to disfluent speech production. There are cases when people can sing without any hints that they have the condition and you will only notice such once they begin speaking in a conversational manner. Symptoms The known symptoms of this condition include extended pauses while delivering your message, creating long sounds in between words, repetition of words or certain parts of the words. However, the exact cause of this speech condition is still unknown today. What researchers are sure of is that there are factors that may influence a person s inability to speak fluently. Language Development Developmental stammering is the most usual form of the condition. That means it affects young children at a stage when they are learning how to speak and form language. If left untreated, the condition may cause side effects, which can ruin one s performance in social situations. People who usually stutter are fearful of speaking in front of many people or even simple interactions such as talking on the phone. So how do you control your speech condition? Here are the ways: * Breathe in deeply before you speak. Alexander found out that habits are generally psychophysical in nature, be that physical or mental habits. This is because he realized that the mind and body function are integrated entity rather than working individually. In addition, he observed that one s perspective towards his activities determines how he coordinates himself to those activities. Certain medications such as risperidone, olanzapine, and haloperidol typically lower the incidence of stammering by 30 to 50 percent. Ask your doctor about the side effects of these drugs, so you will be well prepared if there s any. Avoid medications that trigger or increase the severity of stammering. 

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